22 August 2014

tamu hati

kau yang memanggilku indah
sayang kau gapai tiada
dipujuk-pujuk resah
mendamba sabda hikmat

kunanti saat bersatu.

20 August 2014

kunci mulut.

Kosong kota kata.
Lelah dalam nafas sendiri...

19 August 2014

ringgit itu rezeki. tetapi cinta itu juga rezeki.

bukan banyak yang aku kejar. aku cuma mahu cukup.
apapun, kita dapat seberapa dan sesiapa yang selayaknya kita dapat.

18 August 2014

What the hell am I writing? Pfftt.

Dreams can be beautiful. 
Reality is not. 
But I can't stop dreaming,
for that's the only way I found some magical called...,


12 August 2014

i'm walking on broken glass.

i told Mak, "Mak, i want to get married soon. in a discipline way."
have no idea about the word discipline there. but it happened.
then, i found myself in an empty small room.
a lack-of-light-and-sound room.
i looked up.
i looked down.
i saw broken window glass laying on the floor.
they were everywhere.
that was when i realize i was standing on the broken glass.
unfortunately there was no other way to get out of the room.
had to continue walking on the broken glass.
lots of cuts on the sole of my feet.
felt terribly terrible.
wanted to cry but i could not.
it hurts........................

not my feet.
my heart.

10 August 2014

no sane man wouldn't miss everything that make them smile ear to ear.

it's funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different. ever heard?

08 August 2014

the emptiness.

what am doing with my life...?
what i've done...?
and what will i do...?

06 August 2014

this feeling.

this feeling......is...

this..this feeling..........

this feeling..................................

this feeling...

this feeling is................

o' Allah............this feeling is...i don't know...it's terrible..i know i laugh too much lately..and i know this is never a good sign..help me, Allah..